Respect, trust and openness
Respect, trust and openness – according to these principles we steer Rheinmetall and this is what the entire Rheinmetall Executive Board stands for with vigor.
For us, correct business conduct must always include the strict observance of all principles of good corporate governance:
First and foremost that means the adherence to our strict Ethics and Compliance rules when dealing with customers, business partners, employees, shareholders and the public. In our business units, at the Group headquarters and at all subsidiaries in Germany and abroad.
As a multi-technology group, which successfully operates with different products in many markets, we also pursue a risk-based approach when it comes to our Compliance program: Hence we place particular value on our strict rules for preventing corruption and bribery in our defence and security areas. Whereas we give specific emphasis on aspects such as antitrust, anti-money laundering and the handling of supply chain risks in our automotive segment.
Apart from the mere observation of these rules it is important for us to actively promote an attitude of integrity amongst colleagues and stakeholders and an open and early involvement of our Compliance organization in cases of doubt. The same Ethics and Compliance requirements of course are also expected from our business partners.

Yes, we want to successfully conclude our businesses. However, we only want to do those businesses, which are in accordance with the applicable laws, and with the rules of good corporate governance, Corporate Compliance and common industry standards. We must all commit ourselves to this; that is what we demand of all employees at Rheinmetall. Otherwise, we‘ll damage Rheinmetall and will ruin our future success.

Code of Conduct

Compliance Management System

Compliance as role model

Business Partner Management

Offset Management


Reporting violations
Further information & downloads
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