

Rheinmetall  /  Company  /  Compliance  /  Compliance-Management-System
To provide support for questions and challenges in connection with Compliance, Rheinmetall has introduced its own Compliance Organization under the functional management of the Chief Compliance Officer. Rheinmetall Compliance Management System helps the employees, senior managers and further stakeholders by establishing suitable rules, structures and processes, clarifying rule violations and providing serviceoriented advice on avoiding potential Compliance risks in daily operational business as effectively as possible.

Rheinmetall's Compliance Management System was audited by an external auditor as part of a certification procedure based on the IDW AS 980 assurance standard ("Principles for the reasonable auditing of Compliance management systems").
Ressort- und Aufgabenverteilung der Rheinmetall Compliance-Organisation
CMS Audits
Organizational Structure
Compliance Training
Strong Role Model Function
Compliance Reporting