
Reporting violations

Rheinmetall  /  Company  /  Compliance  /  Reporting violations

Reports by whistleblowers can come from within the Rheinmetall Group, but also from business partners, customers or other third parties. Reports may, for example, relate to employee misconduct or violations by a third party along the supply chain ("up- and down-stream").

Discretion and confidentiality are guaranteed by Rheinmetall when reporting. This applies not only by law, but also fundamentally from the Rheinmetall values of respect, trust and openness.

Whistleblowers shall be able to provide information free from reprisals in order to protect the company or themselves. For this purpose Rheinmetall offers a whistleblower system, which is described below.

The whistleblower system shall give potential whistleblowers various options for approaching Rheinmetall with their concerns in accordance with their respective capabilities and needs.

Reporting options as part of the Rheinmetall whistleblower system

The Rheinmetall whistleblower system offers various channels for reporting potential misconduct by employees, business partners, customers or other third parties.

How do we process your notification?

The Compliance department at Rheinmetall AG can be contacted directly in various ways: E-mail, post, telephone and the electronic whistleblower system. Within the organization, these channels are handled by the Central Investigations functional unit, where several specially trained compliance specialists take care of the whistleblower's concerns.

Electronic whistleblower system

Rheinmetall AG has set up an electronic whistleblower system that can be used to report grievances or compliance incidents by name or anonymously via a "virtual mailbox". The electronic whistleblower system can be accessed at www.rheinmetall.com/speakup:


The Central Investigations office can be contacted by e-mail:



The Central Investigations office can be contacted by post at the following address:

Rheinmetall AG
Compliance – Central Investigations
(Bitte mit Verweis „Persönlich und vertraulich, nicht durch andere Person öffnen“ versehen)
Rheinmetall Platz 1
40476 Düsseldorf


Notifications can be made directly to the colleagues at Central Investigations by telephone.  Alternatively, a voicemail box can be reached at the following number:

Tel.: +49 211 473 48 99 (free of charge)


Data protection incidents

Alternatively, data protection incidents can also be sent by e-mail to the following address:
E-mail address: : DSB-RhAG@rheinmetall.com 
Further information on data protection at Rheinmetall can be found here: Data Protection | Rheinmetall

Furthermore, external lawyers specialized in Rheinmetall's reporting procedures can be contacted, acting as impartial arbitrators. These are: 

Dr. Rainer Buchert
Buchert Jacob Partner
Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
Kaiserstraße 22
60311 Frankfurt am Main

E-Mail: dr-buchert@dr-buchert.de
Tel: +49 69 710 33 330 

Dr. Caroline Jacob
Buchert Jacob Partner
Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
Kaiserstraße 22
60311 Frankfurt am Main

E-Mail: dr-jacob@dr-buchert.de
Tel: +49 69 710 33 330


Upon request, the lawyers of confidence will forward anonymized information to Compliance at Rheinmetall AG.

The reporting office at Rheinmetall AG / Central Investigations takes all reports seriously!

In order to be able to evaluate and, if necessary, investigate a report as promptly and efficiently as possible, the most comprehensive information possible is required. To this end, it is necessary for the person to provide as much detail as possible about the alleged incident.

The following information is therefore required to evaluate a report:

  • Nature of the incident
  • What happened?
  • Where did it happen?
  • When did it happen?
  • Who is/was involved?
  • Who had been informed?
  • Supplementary: How did it happen?

The central reporting office at Rheinmetall AG asks whistleblowers to provide relevant evidence (e.g. documents or images) that could help with the investigation.

​​​Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für Justiz)

The following authority appointed by the German government also accepts reports of potential misconduct as an external reporting channel: Bundesamt für Justiz .

For guidance on the standards of conduct of employees, suppliers, sales partners and cooperation partners of the Rheinmetall Group, you can consult the following codes:

Rheinmetall Platz 1

40476 Dusseldorf



PO box 10 42 61

40033 Düsseldorf

Bleidenstraße 1



Phone: +49 69 710 33 330

Fax: +49 69 710 34 444