
RH Mexico Simulation and Training S.A. de C.V.

Rheinmetall  /  Company  /  Subsidiaries & JVs  /  RH Mexico Simulation and Training S.A. de C.V.
RH Mexico Simulation and Training (RMST) is a subsidiary of the Rheinmetall Group, technological leader with headquarters in Germany, and is part of the division Electronic Solutions.

RMST started operations in Mexico in 2015 as a special purpose company for the CAPP program considered a groundbreaking training center applying e-learning, 3D-simulation, and VR linked with digital twins in the highly complex, fully customized training of Oil & Gas production processes.

Our comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach in each of our business areas allow us to offer globally recognized quality services.

Experts in high-volume technical translations

(English, French, and Spanish)

The availability of information has become a priority and remote activities are forcing people to rely on online services to keep personal goals while domestic and international companies go beyond their usual businesses to leverage the arising worldwide market opportunities. Nevertheless, each company has a unique voice as part of their corporate image thus, it is essential to accurately communicate it in other languages in order to achieve the expansion goals.

In RMST, we understand that having factual documentation translated, transcribed, and timely distributed in a correct and timely manner is key. For this purpose, our team of specialists offer language solutions that meet your company needs, regardless of the project volume or urgency.

How do we do it? An expertise of over five years in the field managing big scale technical translation projects, a robust terminological bank, and the latest technology in assisted translation enable us to optimize our processes at competitive cost while maximizing quality.

Translation of Documents

  • Oil & Gas
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Mechanics
  • Construction
  • Maritime Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Industrial Maintenance
  • Logistics

Audiovisual Translation

  • Video Subtitling
  • Closed Captioning [CC]
  • Scripts
  • Software and Video Games Localization
  • Audio and Video Transcription

Corporate Linguistic Consultancy

  • Proofreading
  • Post-editing
  • Content Creation
  • Corporate Terminology
  • Style Guide Development
  • Internal Communication Enhancement

Big solutions for great results!


Querétaro Business Park, Torre 1

Avenida Antea No. 1088

Nivel 2, Oficina 2a

Colonia Jurica

76100 Querétaro, QRO



Phone: +52 442 1031 600