
Remuneration of the Supervisory Board

The remuneration of the Supervisory Board of Rheinmetall AG is regulated in Article 13 of the Articles of Incorporation.

(1) a) Each Supervisory Board member shall receive fixed compensation of EUR 90,000.00 payable after the end of the fiscal year.
b) The Chairman of the Supervisory Board shall receive double, his Vice Chairman shall receive one and a half times the compensation in Section (1) (a).

(2) Each Supervisory Board member shall receive an attendance fee of EUR 1,000.00 in addition to the reimbursement of his/her expenses for each Supervisory Board meeting attended – whether in person, by telephone or otherwise, but not for merely participating in the adoption of a resolution – and an attendance fee of EUR 1,000.00 for in-person attendance at committee meetings that do not take place on the day of a Supervisory Board meeting.

(3) The following is also received for work on Supervisory Board committees:

a) The Chairman of the Audit Committee shall receive fixed compensation of EUR 60,000.00 payable after the end of the fiscal year; the remaining members of the Audit Committee shall receive fixed compensation of EUR 30,000.00 payable after the end of the fiscal year.
b) The Chairman of the Nomination Committee and the Mediation Committee shall re-ceive fixed compensation of EUR 20,000.00 payable after the end of the fiscal year; the remaining members of the Nomination Committee and the Mediation Committee shall receive fixed compensation of EUR 10,000.00 payable after the end of the fiscal year.
c) The Chairman of the Personnel Committee and the Strategy Committee shall receive fixed compensation of EUR 30,000.00 payable after the end of the fiscal year; the re-maining members of the Personnel Committee and the Strategy Committee shall re-ceive fixed compensation of EUR 15,000.00 payable after the end of the fiscal year.

(4) The Chairman of the Personnel Committee and the Strategy Committee shall receive fixed compensation of EUR 30,000.00 payable after the end of the fiscal year; the re-maining members of the Personnel Committee and the Strategy Committee shall re-ceive fixed compensation of EUR 15,000.00 payable after the end of the fiscal year.

(5) Supervisory Board and committee members who have been on the Supervisory Board or a com-mittee for only part of the fiscal year shall receive prorated compensation.

(6) Each Supervisory Board member – with the exception of employee representatives – are obliged to use 25% of the fixed compensation paid in accordance with paragraph 1 to acquire shares of the Company and to hold the shares for the duration of membership on the Supervisory Board. Proof of compliance with the holding obligation must be provided to the Company. The obliga-tion to acquire shares specified in sentence 1 does not apply to compensation that has not yet been paid at the time of departure from the Supervisory Board. The entitlement to the portion of the compensation referred to in paragraph (6) sentence 1 shall lapse retroactively if the Supervi-sory Board member sells or lends against the purchased shares in full or in part before he/she leaves the Supervisory Board.

(7) The value-added tax accrued on the compensation of the Supervisory Board members shall be reimbursed upon request.

(8) These provisions apply for the first time for the compensation payable for fiscal year 2022.