
Articles of Incorporation of Rheinmetall AG

Status as of 14 May 2024

Note: Translation for information purposes only. No legally binding version.

I. General provisions


§ 1 Name and registered office
§ 2 Purpose of the company
§ 3 Notices

II. Share capital and shares

§ 4 Share capital
§ 5 Form of share certificates
III. Constitution and management
§ 6 Executive Board
§ 7 Power of representation
§ 8 Supervisory Board
§ 9 Chair, deputy
§ 10 Committees of the Supervisory Board
§ 11 Convening notice, adoption of a resolution by the Supervisory Board
§ 12 Legal status and responsibility of the Supervisory Board
§ 13 Supervisory Board compensation
§ 14 Location of the Annual General Meeting
§ 15 Convening the Annual General Meeting
§ 16 Participation in the Annual General Meeting
§ 17 Representation at the Annual General Meeting
§ 18 Chair of the Annual General Meeting, Meeting Chair
§ 19 Voting right, resolutions and elections
IV. Fiscal year, reserves and appropriation of net income
§ 20 Fiscal year
§ 21 Statutory reserves and other retained earnings
§ 22 Appropriation of the unappropriated surplus

Rheinmetall Platz 1

40476 Dusseldorf


Phone: +49 211 473-01

Fax: +49 211 473-4727

© 2024 Rheinmetall AG