
Genders at Rheinmetall

Men. Women. All!

In order to ensure a balanced gender ratio in the Rheinmetall workforce, we continue to strive for gender equity in the workplace from top leadership to entry level employees by implementing activities and policies that promote diversity and inclusion.

21% of our workforce at Rheinmetall are highly qualified and talented women who are already passionate about our technologies. And we would like to welcome even more! As an employer, we create flexible working time models and provide increased support for women in particular in the medium and long term through internal programmes to promote young talent and further training.



At women@rheinmetall we are committed to our female colleagues with over 700 Rheinmetall female employees from various departments and hierarchy levels in 33 countries for our colleagues and everyone who is interested.

We want to make a difference, learn from each other, exchange experiences and strengthen the perception of women at Rheinmetall.

To this end, we offer a forum for advice on all professional issues and support women at every level of the hierarchy in their professional development. In addition, we are brand ambassadors and support gender diversity in order to attract and retain female employees.

Finally, we live our corporate values: respect, trust, openness. Our actions are also characterised by tolerance, team spirit, innovation and empathy.

Knowledge transfer, exchange and advice - you can find all this in the women@rheinmetall network.


„As a member of the core team of the women@rheinmetall community, I want to help make our company an attractive employer for everyone. Everyone is entitled to equal rights of every kind so that they can reach their full potential.“


Project Purchaser Division Power Systems


"In early 2022, I decided to join the international women@rheinmetall network. The most significant benefit for me was participation in the mentoring program. My mentor gave me completely new impetus, which led me to steer my Rheinmetall career in a completely new direction six months later."


Vice President Corporate Strategy & Development

"I joined the international women@rheinmetall network to get to know colleagues outside my team. Through women@rheinmetall I get invitations to talk&learn events and an insight into other divisions."


Development planner


"I have been a member of the international women@rheinmetall network since 2020 because I value the initiatives and groups that want to make a difference and change things, and I support this with conviction. The main advantage, I draw from the network is the open exchange about challenges in the business environment and the mutual learning from each other."


Specialist Supply Chain Processes

Interview With Carina Jäckel – Positive Dynamics in a Maledominated Industry

„It's not about who has which gender, but about what each and every individual brings to the table in terms of expertise, creativity and personality. Different perspectives make us all stronger and ensure that we improve together"


Online-Marketing Manager

As an online marketing manager at Rheinmetall, Carina Jäckel works in an environment that is often perceived as technical and therefore rather male-dominated. Topics such as website management, google analytics, community management and technical understanding of websites are part of her daily work – areas that have traditionally been more male-dominated. However, she never saw this as a challenge, but rather as an exciting opportunity for personal development.
An Interview with a Leadership Duo – How Job Sharing/Co-Leadership works!

“At Rheinmetall, openness to new ways of working has increased significantly over the past 12 years. This opens up the opportunity for us to jointly fulfill an intensive position with management responsibility.”

Within the Human Resources department at Rheinmetall, the central Projects and Solutions division acts as a partner for transformation of growth and as a sustainable driver for a progressive HR organisation. Modern management models are also being reviewed under the direction of Thorben Reinhardt in order to determine their effectiveness for Rheinmetall. A Shared Job and CoLeadership Team has been established here in practice since 2023.
Interview with Nolitha Mbele – Rheinmetall develops Women

"I would like to remind Women that you are born to multiply things. A woman has a nurturing nature. Let us use our natures positively and multiply this organisation's vision and mission. Utilise all available opportunities."


NQ Plant Manager

Show the team the bigger picture
Together for more diversity – A career day for women
Borussia Dortmund, the Bundeswehr's Berufsförderungsdienst and Rheinmetall have jointly organized a career day for female BVB footballers and female Bundeswehr soldiers. A special opportunity for further training and specific career planning.

Watch the video with highlights and personal insights: