Tochtergesellschaften, Beteiligungen und Joint Ventures des Rheinmetall-Konzern
Auflistung der Tochtergesellschaften, Beteiligungen und Joint Ventures des Rheinmetall-Konzerns gemäß Zugehörigkeit zu den einzelnen Divisionen:
Gesellschaften der Division Vehicle Systems Europe
- PSM Projekt System & Management GmbH
- Rheinmetall Automecanica SRL
- Rheinmetall Česká Republika s.r.o.
- Rheinmetall Defence Nederland B.V.
- Rheinnmetall Hungary Zrt.
- Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH
- Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles GmbH
- Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles Österreich GesmbH
- Rheinmetall Polska Sp. z o.o.
- Rheinmetall Ukrainian Defense Industry LLC
Gesellschaften der Division Vehicle Systems International
Gesellschaften der Division WEAPON AND AMMUNITION
- American Rheinmetall Munitions Inc.
- Nitrochemie-Gruppe
- Rheinmetall Denel Munition (Pty) Ltd
- Rheinmetall Expal Munitions, S.A.U.
- Rheinnmetall Hungary Munitions Zrt.
- Rheinmetall Laingsdale (Pty) Ltd
- Rheinmetall Mobile Systeme GmbH
- Rheinmetall NIOA Munitions
- Rheinmetall Project Solutions GmbH
- Rheinmetall Protection Systems GmbH
- Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH
- Rheinmetall Waffe Munition ARGES GmbH
- RWM Italia S.p.A.
- RWM Schweiz AG
- RWM Zaugg
Gesellschaften der Division Electronic Solutions
- AIM Infrarot-Module GmbH
- American Rheinmetall Systems, LLC
- benntec Systemtechnik GmbH
- Contraves Advanced Devices Sdn. Bhd.
- Provectus Robotics Solutions Inc.
- Rheinmetall Air Defence AG
- Rheinmetall Aviation Services GmbH
- Rheinmetall Canada Inc.
- Rheinmetall Communication and Simulation Technology Pte Ltd
- Rheinmetall Electronics GmbH
- Rheinmetall Electronics Hungary Kft.
- Rheinmetall Electronics UK Ltd
- Rheinmetall Italia S.p.A.
- Rheinmetall Nordic AS
- Rheinmetall Singapore Pte. Ltd.
- Rheinmetall Soldier Electronics GmbH
- Rheinmetall Technical Publications
- RH Mexico Simulation and Training S.A. de C.V.
Gesellschaften der Division Power Systems
- Amprio GmbH
- KSPG Automotive Brazil Ltda. - Divisao Pierburg Pump Technology
- KSPG Automotive India Private Ltd.
- Pierburg China Ltd.
- Pierburg Gestion S.L.
- Pierburg GmbH
- Pierburg Japan Corp.
- Pierburg Korea Ltd.
- Pierburg Pump Technology GmbH
- Pierburg Pump Technology Italy S.p.A
- Pierburg Pump Technology France S.à.r.l.
- Pierburg Pump Technology México S.A. de C.V.
- Pierburg Pump Technology US, LLC
- Pierburg Systems S.L.
- Pierburg S.A.
- Pierburg s.r.o.
- Pierburg US, LLC
- Rheinmetall Brandt GmbH
- Rheinmetall Dermalog SensorTec GmbH
- BF Engine Parts LLC
- HASCO KSPG Nonferrous Components (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
- Kolbenschmidt Chongqing Piston Co., Ltd.
- Kolbenschmidt de México, S. de R.L. de C.V.
- Kolbenschmidt Huayu Piston Co., Ltd.
- Kolbenschmidt K.K.
- KS CZ Motorservice s.r.o.
- KS France S.A.S (National)
- KS Gleitlager de México, S. de R.L. de C.V.
- KS Gleitlager GmbH
- KS HUAYU AluTech GmbH
- KS HUAYU Bearbeitungs GmbH
- KS Kolbenschmidt Czech Republic, a.s.
- KS Kolbenschmidt GmbH
- KS Kolbenschmidt US Inc.
- KSPG Automotive Brazil Ltda.
- KSPG Automotive India Private Ltd.
- MS Motorservice Aftermarket Iberica S.L.
- MS Motorservice Asia Pacific Co., Ltd.
- MS Motorservice Deutschland GmbH
- MS Motorservice France S.A.S.
- MS Motorservice International GmbH
- MS Motorservice Istanbul Dis Ticaret ve Pazarlama A.S.
- MS Motorservice Trading (Asia) Pte. Ltd.
- PPT Italy S.P.A. Lanciano (Aftermarket)
- Rheinmetall Invent GmbH
- Werkzeugbau Waldürn GmbH
Auslandsgesellschaften – Hubs
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