Environmentally friendly construction
Sustainable construction is becoming increasingly important. “Green” buildings meet high ecological standards. Their modern features save energy and thus protect the environment. The Lighthouse and casa altra buildings on Rheinmetall AG’s former plant site in Düsseldorf-Derendorf hold a silver certificate from the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), while the doubleU building was awarded gold certification. The new building on the last available plot of land in the entrepreneur city into whose north wing the employees of the Rheinmetall head office moved in March 2016 is also certified in accordance with the DGNB’s guidelines and according to current assessments fulfills the criteria for the gold rating.
The Automotive sector’s Niederrhein plant, which was commissioned in November 2014, was awarded the DGNB certificate in gold. Among other things, environmentally friendly use of construction materials and efficient heat recovery in the compressed air system and during utilization of waste heat from the foundry furnaces made a contribution to meeting the stringent criteria. Overall, the building’s readings were more than 25% lower than those required of a new building by the German Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV).