
Global framework agreement

Regulations for the observance of international human rights, fair working conditions and the rights of employee representation

Rheinmetall  /  Responsibility  /  Employees  /  Global framework agreement
Responsible action – in an economic context, towards employees, in society and in interaction with the environment – is firmly anchored in Rheinmetall's corporate culture. For generations, we have attached particular importance to responsibility for our employees. Rheinmetall attaches great value to creating a working environment based on partnership for all employees.

By signing the principles of social responsibility in October 2018, the parties stress the importance of human and cultural diversity for cooperation, an integrative and respectful corporate culture and tolerant interaction.

With the global framework agreement as an additional key component of the Rheinmetall Group's corporate social responsibility, constructive cooperation between the Rheinmetall Group companies as well as workplace and trade union representation will also be strengthened. It now contains more comprehensive explanations and regulations than before for the observance of international human rights, fair working conditions and the rights of employee representation.

The contents of the agreement were negotiated with the European Works Council. Representatives of IG Metall and the international trade union federation IndustriALL Global Union were involved through accompanying consultation and coordination processes.