
The challenge of demographic change

Our responsibility

Rheinmetall  /  Responsibility  /  Employees  /  Demographic change
In Germany and other developed countries, the companies are facing new challenges in response to the changing age structure.
The population structure is changing as birth rates decrease and life expectancy rises to unprecedented levels. This trend also impacts the composition of workforces.

Our challenge therefore involves identifying available potential, recruiting and training junior staff and developing our employees' skills further in order to ensure a smooth handover.
Through detailed structural analyses and simulations, interdisciplinary teams are developing new personnel programs that take into account the different existing situations and trends at the national and international sites as well as their impact on the age structure of the employees.

These site-specific measures include the targeted transfer of knowledge and experience from older colleagues to their younger counterparts, the creation of mixedage teams, the systematic training of junior employees as well as a more intensive, target-group-specific recruiting and HR marketing drive.
This strategy also includes adapting work and organizational processes as well as additional measures and offerings aimed at promoting good health.