Large calibre – weapons and ammunition
Rheinmetall is one of the world's leading suppliers of large-calibre weapons and ammunition. The company's globally acclaimed smoothbore L44 and L55 tank guns combine tremendous firepower with a high first round hit probability, even when the tank is on the move. Particularly in the field of weapons and ammunition, recent technological breakthroughs have let Rheinmetall make a vital contribution to the unsurpassed combat effectiveness of the Leopard MBT.
130 mm MBT gun
120 mm PELE Tank Ammunition
The ADW is based on combined arms warfare doctrine to support BLOCK, TURN, DISRUPT or FIX the enemy. It is an antitank weapon system that combines active and passive sensors both for area surveillance, target classification and attack.
Together with its bi-directional communication, sensor data is shared and soldiers can effectively change the mode of operations of the ADW. This allows multiple ADW to create smart obstacles by having them armed or disarmed on command and have them become an active asset within fast-paced Multi Domain Operations. Upon detection of a verified target within its Zone of Authority, the ADW launches a SMArt155 sub-munition. The SMArt155 sub-munition executes a top attack effectively destroying even heavy tracked vehicles within a radius >100m.
The primary purpose of the ADW is to increase resistance of obstacles and in particular minefields against breaching attempts. Used individually or in clusters, it can further effectively be used to influence enemy maneuver and provide support in defensive or offensive combat operations. Thanks to its optimized g-hardened design, the ADW is suitable for emplacement by hand, dropped from logistics vehicles, used from mine dispensers or delivered via rocket artillery.
The ADW combines an European ITAR-free top attack solution with the highest performance sub-munition available within NATO.