
Networked air defence

Oerlikon Skynex® air defence system

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The Oerlikon Skynex® air defence system is Rheinmetall’s latest solution for short-range air defence. With its open and modular architecture, it sets new standards in terms of flexibility and expandability. The Oerlikon Skymaster® battle management system is the control node and centrepiece of the system. Various sensors and effectors can be linked in a modular way in order to fit mission requirements. One or several medium range radars, such as the Qerlikon X-TAR3D® Tactical Acquisition Radar, provide the air picture, which is consolidated in the control node. From there, air targets are assigned to autonomous effectors via the Skymaster network.

Besides the high performance Oerlikon Revolver Gun® Mk3, the Oerlikon Twin Gun® GDF009 TREO, surface-to-air missiles, means for active and passive electronic warfare and future high-energy lasers can be integrated. Such a weapon mix generates a highly effective layered protection shield against a wide spectrum of air threats and provides the necessary answer against saturation and swarm attacks in the future.

The weapon mix provides a highly effective layered protection shield against a wide spectrum of air threats

Oerlikon Skynex® air defence system

The modern air defence system Skynex is based on a concept to separate air traffic control from the effectors. Owed to the systems modularity it enables users to plug in only the mission relevant systems into the command and control unit.

Skynex allows integrating sensors from different manufacturers. Its capability to implement various types of effectors offers an additional freedom of action. The only requirement for the implementation is an integrated tracking unit.

Besides the single sensors and effectors, users can also link existing fire units such as Skyshield or Skyguard in a classic fire unit configuration to the control node. The recognized air picture is portrayed on a map within the command and control center in a default location showing both the sensor and effector positions and simplifies the target designation to the linked air defence equipment.

Key features

  • Open and modular system architecture
  • Increased saturation resistance
  • Functional composition of single effectors and sensors according to the mission requirements
  • Flexible command and control system
  • Capability to integrate existing Oerlikon Skyguard® and Oerlikon Skyshield® fire units and most other legacy systems

Oerlikon Skymaster® battle management system

Skymaster – Battle Management System
  • Made-to-measure solutions
  • Tactical and operational air defence networks
  • Multi-spectrum sensor netting solutions
  • Force multiplier at all command echelons
  • Increased effectiveness

Oerlikon X-TAR3D® Tactical Acquisition Radar


The X-TAR3D is a three-dimensional tactical acquisition radar working in X-band and performing the functions of short range search, detection, acquisition, tracking, classification and identification of air targets, in order to supply a three-dimensional local air picture to command and control network as well as track and threat data for cueing of fire control systems. X-TAR3D is specifically designed to achieve high performance against a wide range of air threats, from conventional air breathing targets (fixed wing, helicopters) to low and very low cross section objects like stealth and unmanned targets (UAV, cruise missiles), up to rockets and mortar rounds (C-RAM mission).

  • Modular design concept
  • Suitable for ground-based and ship-borne applications
  • Fully coherent phased-array pulse Doppler radar
  • 16 simultaneously receiving stacked beams
  • Digital beam forming
  • 25, 35 and 50 km instrumented range

Oerlikon Multi Sensor Unit – MSU

The MSU is a remote controlled, rapid deployable sensor unit with non-rotating 3D AESA search radars, covering 360°. The platform agnostic sensor unit is capable to automatically classify detected targets and hand the generated tracks over to the most suitable cannon or missile launcher autonomously or by the push of a button.

  • Remote controlled multi sensor unit
  • Detection range up to 30 km (1 m2 RCS target)
  • All-weather, day and night capability
  • Open architecture and modular design
  • Static, semi-mobile and mobile configurations
  • Performance scalability/graceful degradation
  • Automatic target detection and tracking
  • Full azimuth coverage with AESA 3D search radar
  • Simultaneous detection of different target types
  • State-of-the-art ECCM features and clutter mapping
  • Panoramic EO sensors for low level target detection
  • Automatic Sensor Data Fusion (SDF) and track generation
  • Active and passive tracking functions
  • Standard interface to Skymaster / C2 system
  • Options: IFF, zenith radar, ELINT sensors

Oerlikon Revolver Gun® Mk3

Mobile firepower

Oerlikon revolver gun® Mk3
This highly mobile, precise 35mm air defence gun with integrated radar tracker and electro-optical sensor unit is a powerful, autonomous shooter capable for various kinds of missions, and can be installed on any 6 x 6 truck with adequate payload. 


The revolver gun Mk3 is able to receive and process data from 3D and 2D search radars. The integrated X-Band tracking radar allows an autonomous sector search function which makes target designation simple, fast and reliable. Tracking and engagement is calculated and executed automatically by the integrated fire control processor.

Target designation and engagement is over watched and checked in a remotely positioned command and control center.

  • C-RAM capability
  • Flexible target designation with either a 3D or 2D search radar
  • Automated tracking
  • Remote charge and discharge function
  • Ahead technology
  • No setup needed because of the integrated sensor unit
  • Based on an ISO 1D carriage
  • All-weather capability
Oerlikon Twin Gun® GDF009 TREO

The Twin Gun GDF009 TREO is equipped with a modern, network capable fire control processor and is able to receive and process data from fire control units as well as 3D and 2D search radars such as the X-TAR3D. It can be remote controlled or autonomously engage targets through its integrated sensor unit. The well approved trailer carriage with automatic alignment simplifies deployment and transportation.

  • Flexible target designation with either a 3D or 2D search radar
  • Automated tracking
  • Ahead technology
  • No setup needed because of the integrated sensor unit
  • Well approved trailer carriage
  • All-weather capability
Oerlikon High Energy Laser

Owed to its state of the art architecture, Skynex is able to integrate next generation effectors such as the high-energy laser. This effector is equipped with weaponized laser modules which superimpose their beam onto the target. The multiplied output can be complemented by several laser guns on the same object.

  • C-RAM and C-LSS capability
  • Flexible target designation with either a 3D or 2D search radar
  • Automated tracking
  • Scalable lethality
  • No setup needed because of the integrated sensor unit
  • Based on an ISO 1D carriage

Oerlikon Skynex® – SkyKnight Missile Launcher Unit

The new HALCON SkyKnight C-RAM / C-PGM missile is designed to be integrated into the Skynex air defence system. It complements cannon based systems and is capable of countering saturation attacks effectively. For cost effectiveness, the system will only attack targets with a pre-calculated point of impact within the protected area.

  • C-RAM and C-PGM capability
  • Maximum operating distance: 10km
  • Flexible target designation with 3D search radar
  • Up to 60 missiles per launcher for countering saturation attacks
  • All-weather capability
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