
Safety, security and environment at Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH

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Safety and security are Rheinmetall's absolute priority

In close cooperation with the authorities, we are constantly adapting the extensive safety precautions in our production areas to ensure safety and security for people and the environment. Our primary objective is to avoid incidents of any kind and to reduce any nuisance to local residents and the environment to an absolute minimum.

The operating sites are officially approved in accordance with the Federal Immission Control Act ("Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz"). They are subject to the safety requirements of the Major Accidents Ordinance ("Störfallverordnung") and regular monitoring by the supervisory authority. The date of the last on-site inspection by the authority is listed below or in the respective bulletin available for download. Detailed information on the inspection and the monitoring plan can be obtained from the authority named in the bulletin.

Send us an email at Brandschutz-Explosivstoffe-Konzern@rheinmetall.com or feel free to use the contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you and will reply as soon as possible.

Since, despite many precautionary measures, incidents can occur in individual cases, we provide information on some safety measures that can be implemented immediately and the correct behaviour in the event of an incident.

Should an incident on our premises pose a risk to residents or the environment, we will inform you immediately in cooperation with the police and fire brigade. Please stay inside the building and keep windows and doors closed.
How will you be informed?
What to do?
When does the hazard end?
Hazardous incidents officers Dr. Carsten Petersen
Phone: 05827 80-6603

Klaus Walther
Phone: 05827 80-6009
Plant Security can be reached 24/7:
Phone: 05827 80-6648
Date of the last inspection 21 March 2023  / 29 January 2024
Hazardous incidents officer Dr. Norbert Böhmer
Phone: 07631 702-152
Plant Security can be reached 24/7:
Phone: 07631 702-0
Date of the last inspection 7 September 2022

Your inquiry regarding safety, security and environment