
Remuneration of the Executive Board

Taking account of general capital market expectations and feedback on the remuneration system submitted by Rheinmetall AG shareholders at the 2021 Annual General Meeting and in past remuneration reports, the Supervisory Board amended the old remuneration system, taking effect from 1 January 2024 and put the amended remuneration system to vote at the Annual General Meeting on 14 May 2024 under agenda item 8. The Annual Meeting has approved the remuneration system for the members of the Board of Management with a vast majority of 92,49%.

The remuneration system comprises not only fixed components (basic remuneration, fringe benefits and pension commitments / pension remuneration) but also short- and long-term variable remuneration components (STI and LTI). The remuneration system also specifies additional remuneration-related elements (e.g. share ownership guidelines).
The remuneration report and the auditor's report are part of the Rheinmetall Annual Report at the following link. 
Further information is also available on the Investor Relations web pages of Rheinmetall AG: 

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