
Corporate Governance – Annual General Meeting

Rheinmetall  /  Company  /  Corporate Governance  /  Annual General Meeting
Shareholders of Rheinmetall AG exercise their rights of determination and control within the framework of the options provided by law or the company’s Articles of Incorporation before or during the Annual General Meeting, which is convened by the Executive Board or Supervisory Board as prescribed by law, or when it appears necessary in the interests of the company.

Each share grants one vote. This excludes treasury shares held by the Company, which do not entitle the Company to rights. The Annual General Meeting is called at least 38 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, together with a notification of upcoming agenda items and an explanation of the conditions of participation and rights of shareholders.
Close-up of a keyboard. On one key is written “General meeting”, meaning "Hauptversammlung"
Every shareholder that registers in due time and submits proof of shareholder status is entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting, to take the floor on agenda items in these meetings and to ask relevant questions and propose relevant motions. Shareholders who cannot or do not wish to attend in person may appoint a bank, a shareholders’ association, a proxy at their discretion or a Rheinmetall-appointed voting proxy to exercise their voting right at the Annual General Meeting, or they may exercise their voting right by means of an absentee ballot.
The Executive Board submits to the Annual General Meeting Rheinmetall's single-entity and consolidated financial statements. Fundamental corporate decisions such as amendments to the bylaws and capital measures, the appropriation of net income for the year, the approval of the activities of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board, the selection of shareholder representatives on the Supervisory Board and the selection of the auditor require the approval of the Annual General Meeting, which can also pass resolutions on the approval of the remuneration system for Executive Board members. Subject to other statutory provisions, the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting are adopted by means of a simple majority of votes cast and, where the law prescribes both a voting and shareholding majority, by means of a simple majority of the common stock represented in the passing of the resolution.
The documents and information on the Annual General Meeting are made available for download on the Rheinmetall AG Investor Relations website.