
Benefits and remuneration

The surplus for our employees

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Rheinmetall offers an interesting and innovative company pension scheme to its national employees: “Rheinmetall Plus 2.0” comprises three plans:

  • A. Employer-funded basic plan
  • B. Employer-funded additional plan depending on the Groups performance
  • C. Employee-funded optional plan by deferred compensation including employer contribution in the same amount

Employer-funded plans A and B are offered to employees independant of the optional participation in deferred compensation (plan C).

In addition direct insurance under a Group agreement on favourable terms is offered.

Having an owner´s mindset is not only a principle of Rheinmetall´s leadership attitude but is fostered by the possibility to buy shares.

Therefore the Employee Share Plan “Mein Stück Rheinmetall 2.0“ gives employees in many countries the opportunity to buy Rheinmetall shares on favourable terms and thus participate in the company´s success. These shares come with voting rates and dividends and contribute to sustainable asset building and increase identification with the company.

Getting the employee´s activities in line with the company´s targets defines our success.

For this, all employees have to be informed about the strategy and challenges of the Group and their companies. This results in targets executives and non-tariff employees work on during the year.

The degree of target achievement and the Group´s performance determine the amount of the variable remuneration which is a considerable part of the remuneration of executives and non-tariff employees.

With their remuneration, the tariff employees also participate in the Group´s performance. Depending on the Group´s profit, tariff employees receive an additional bonus by the annual profit sharing.

In order to honour family and personal needs, working time models of Rheinmetall´s companies and businesses are constantly developed further.  

Despite various working time models, including part-time models with variable weekly working hours, it is also possible to work remotely on a number of working days each month – operations permitting.

If employees work in shifts, Rheinmetall constantly strives to reduce health risks and give the employees more flexibility.

Moreover, we grant sabbaticals to realise further training or private plans.


Changed working environments brings new demands for the employees and health risks. Health Management strives to reduce these risks and foster our employees' well-being.

The health management system has four pilars: health support, health & safety, addiction prevention and integration management. Great efforts are taken to improve the suitability of office equipment or in production. Moreover, Rheinmetall supports a number of activities to maintain the employees´ health. There is a wide range from medical screenings to sports.

Together with the European Works Council, Rheinmetall pursues european and global health management strategies and coordinates cross-border measures in health management.  


As part of the EUPD's Corporate Health Award auditing process, Rheinmetall AG was recognised for its exemplary commitment to the health and performance of its own employees:
"The inseparable link between employee health and corporate strategy is remarkable at Rheinmetall AG. Its global health management combines sustainable, health-conscious action with a shared understanding of healthy leadership in order to realise its vision. Through targeted and consistently implemented measures, Rheinmetall AG creates standardised structures and promotes a lively health culture."
Steffen Klink

COO at EUPD Research

In 2020, Rheinmetall AG was honoured with the special award "International" and in 2023 won the award in the "Production / Manufacturing" sector. 

We understand that small things make a difference every day. This is why we constantly expand our compensation & benefits offers.

Thanks to a cooperation with the platform “CorporateBenefits“, Rheinmetall employees in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Switzerland benefit from favourable offers from well-known brands and service providers, and can take up attractive offers from many areas including automotive, leisure, technology, living or fashion.

Local benefits and further Group-related offers (insurance, telecommunications, etc.) complement the range.